The Genoa 1893 Foundation ETS was born in March 2006, with the aim of promoting the growth of the Genoa supporters community and identifying the values ​​of its sporting and socio-cultural tradition.

It is a "Participation Foundation", the members can cast their vote for the appointment of members of the Steering Committee, and has among its main purposes the promotion of initiatives and educational tools on the theme of sport and in particular of football as a show, as a practice and as a moment of social aggregation and promotion of the youthful condition according to values ​​of loyalty, sportiness and civilization.

Since 2008, with the creation of the Museum of the History of Genoa, the Genoa 1893 Foundation expands its activity by dedicating every energy and commitment to all the activities that contribute to the preservation and conservation of the history of the Genoa Cricket and Football Club. act, conservation and digitization, the inventory of documents are the essential stages of a process aimed at promoting an effective search for historical information by the widest possible audience.

The history of the Genoa Cricket and Football Club is, in fact, a universe of memory which, through photographs, documents, films and direct testimonies, never stops telling its story. Cards, objects, places "speak", if we know how to listen to them.

The collection of historical documents, aimed at enhancing the memory and historical and cultural heritage of the Genoa Cricket and Football Club, is designed for scholars, for the world of school, but also for a wider audience of fans. In order to promote knowledge and sharing, the Museum of the History of Genoa pays particular attention to teaching, addressed to a composite and vast public, with the organization of guided tours, conferences and workshops.

A large-scale design, through which the Genoa 1893 Foundation ETS aims to make its history known, dedicating part of its resources to the promotion of studies, exhibitions and conferences in the historical and cultural fields. An important story to be transmitted over time, maintaining the natural continuity that binds the history of the Genoa Cricket and Football Club to culture and the territory, investing in research and innovation.

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