The Genoa Foundation 1893 ETS was established on March 7, 2006 and by the following September 5, by Decree of the Region of Liguria, it gained its formal recognition and legal status.
The Foundation was born from the initiative of the President of the Genoa Cricket and Football Club, Enrico Preziosi in a delicate phase in the history of the club. The initiative drew on and took advantage from the events of the period, the response of the Genoa CFC community, and worked towards guaranteeing its future existence.
The Body is a “Participatory Foundation”: members who make contributions in the various forms provided by the by-laws may express their vote to appoint members of the Board of Directors, which in turn is in charge of the appointment of the Regency Board.
The Foundation received an initial endowment from its founder consisting of a sum of money, as well as shares representing 25% of the share capital of Genoa-Società, with the guarantee of the preservation of the integrity of the share capital for ten years. Following the loss of said guarantee, the shares will be downgraded, thus guaranteeing the Foundation a suitable revenue contributing to its own, and the Museum’s, survival for the coming years.
— The Mission

— Organization Chart
2016 - 2018: Sig. Giovanni Blondet | Dott. Antonio Rosina
2013 - 2015: Avv. Paolo Gatto | Sig. Giovanni Blondet
2010 - 2012: Dott. Luca Barabino | Sig. Giovanni Blondet
2009 - 2010: Prof. Andrea D’Angelo | Prof. Sergio Maria Carbone
2006 - 2009: Prof. Andrea D’Angelo | Prof. Sergio Maria Carbone
2016 - 2018: Sig. Giovanni Blondet | Dott. Antonio Rosina | Avv. Paolo Gatto | Avv. Giorgio Guerello (Rappresentante Comune di Genova) | Avv. Eugenio Segalerba
2013 - 2015: Avv. Paolo Gatto | Sig. Giovanni Blondet | Prof. Alberto Maria Benedetti | Avv. Giorgio Guerello | Sig. Roberto Martini
2010 - 2012: Dott. Luca Barabino | Avv Giorgio Guerello | Sig. Roberto Martini | Avv. Paolo Gatto
2009 - 2010: Prof. Andrea D’Angelo | Prof. Sergio Maria Carbone | Sig. Gian Paolo Samengo | Sig. Mauro Stratta
2006 - 2009: Prof. Andrea D’Angelo | Prof. Sergio Maria Carbone | Sig. Enrico Neri | Sig. Maurizio Pezzolo | Sig. Gian Paolo Samengo
2016 - 2018: Dott. Luca Barabino | Avv. Alberto M. Benedetti | Sig.ra Monica Benvenuto | Avv. Giacomo Berrino | Prof. Bruno Lantieri | Dott. Paolo Lavagetto | Dott. Giovanna Liconti | Sig. Roberto Martini | Dott. Enrico Montolivo | Sig.ra Cristina Moresino | Dott. Ilaria Cavo (Rappresentante Regione Liguria)
2013 - 2015: Prof. Bruno Lantieri | Sig. Paolo Lavagetto | Dott. Giovanna Liconti | Dott. Enrico Montolivo | Sig.ra Cristina Moresino | Avv. Eugenio Segalerba | Avv. Stefano Scotto | Sig. Giovanni Villani | Dott. Angelo Berlangeri (Rappresentante Regione Liguria)
2010 - 2012: Dott. Pietro Berrino | Sig.ra Tiziana Cabona | Dott. Enrico Montolivo | Sig. Enrico Neri | Avv. Giorgio Guerello (Rappresentante Comune di Genova) | Dott. Fabio Morchio (Rappresentante Regione Liguria) | Avv. Lorenzo Zito (Rappresentante Provincia) | Sig.ra Cristina Moresino | Avv. Gianni Roy | Dott. Cesare Robello | Avv. Maurizio Mascia | Dott. Maddalena Costa | Dott. Matteo Costigliolo | Dott. Federico Musso Piantelli | Prof. Virgilio Bachi | Avv. Federico Odero | Dott. Corrado Levo | Dott. Daniele Bruzzone | Sig. Paolo Marini
2009 - 2010: Dott. Luca Barabino | Prof. Alberto Maria Benedetti | Sig. Massimo Cataldi | Avv. Roberto Giovanetti | Avv. Giorgio Guerello (Rappresentante Comune di Genova) | Dott. Alberto Marcheselli | Sig. Ivan Miliotti | Dott. Enrico Montolivo | Dott. Fabio Morchio (Rappresentante Regione Liguria) | Sig.ra Cristina Moresino | Avv. Luca Svampa | Avv. Gianni Roj | Avv. Maurizio Mascia | Dott. Maddalena Costa
2006 - 2009: Prof. Andrea D’Angelo | Prof. Sergio Maria Carbone
2016 - 2018: Rag. Riccardo Puleo | Dott. Alberto Marchese | Dott. Enrico Zappa
2013 - 2015: Rag. Riccardo Puleo | Dott. Stefano Lunardi | Dott. Enrico Zappa
2010 - 2012: Rag. Riccardo Puleo | Dott. Ermanno Martinetto | Dott. Enrico Zappa
2009 - 2010: Dott. Giuseppe Spotorno | Dott. Emilio Gatto | Rag. Riccardo Puleo
2006 - 2009: Dott. Giuseppe Spotorno | Dott. Emilio Gatto | Rag. Riccardo Puleo